February 28 Blood Drive Will Take Place Inside M&T Bank Stadium Amid Area Blood Shortage.
Baltimore, MD – Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD) is partnering with the Baltimore Ravens, Maryland Stadium Authority and Maryland COVID Plasma Initiative to host a blood drive at M&T Bank Stadium on Sunday, February 28 from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. At this blood drive, BBD hopes to collect 100 units of blood from participating donors.
Prior to the pandemic, donors could stop by community blood drives at convenient locations, but nearly all high schools, colleges, offices and other community groups have had to cancel their blood drives due to COVID-19. In past years, mobile blood drives accounted for a significant amount of the region's incoming blood supply. Today, mobile blood drive donations are at just 43% of pre-pandemic levels – well below what is needed by hospitals and patients in our area.
"Donating blood is an easy way to help others during this time of crisis. One donation can save multiple lives," said Marie Forrestal, director of donor development, Blood Bank of Delmarva. "We are grateful to the Ravens, Maryland Stadium Authority and Maryland COVID Plasma Initiative for their partnership in this blood drive as COVID-19 continues to limit our ability to host community drives across the region. Come donate with a view as an added bonus."
"Our community is in great need of replenishing its blood supply and we are proud to support the important work being done by the Blood Bank of Delmarva," Ravens president Dick Cassstated.
"The Maryland Stadium Authority is pleased to co-host the Blood Bank of Delmarva event at the Camden Yards Sports Complex. We are especially delighted by the support given, throughout the pandemic, by the Baltimore Ravens to local and national non-profits," said Michael J. Frenz, executive director of the Maryland Stadium Authority.
Donating blood is safe and only takes one hour. We are taking extra precautions to help prevent the person-to-person spread of COVID-19. BBD staff are also practicing health self-assessments prior to presenting at work. As always, people are not eligible to donate if they're experiencing a cold, sore throat, respiratory infection or flu-like symptoms. Additional information on donor eligibility and COVID-19 precautions is available here.
Donations can be scheduled by calling 1-888-8-BLOOD-8 or visiting www.delmarvablood.org.
Who: Blood Bank of Delmarva (BBD), Baltimore Ravens, Maryland Stadium Authority and Maryland COVID Plasma Initiative
What: Blood Bank of Delmarva Blood Drive
Where: M&T Bank Stadium (1101 Russell Street, Baltimore, MD) South West Entrance at Lots D and E of the stadium
When: Sunday, February 28 from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Coverage Note: Media interested in covering the event should contact Tony Prado or Amanda Diamond in advance.
M&T Bank Stadium Parking & Gate Map
About Blood Bank of Delmarva: Blood Bank of Delmarva is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) community blood bank with a simple mission: saving lives. The Blood Bank of Delmarva achieves its mission every day by providing safe blood and blood products to all 19 hospitals in Delmarva and relies on over 80,000 volunteer blood donors each year to ensure patients' needs are met. The Blood Bank of Delmarva distributes over 130,000 blood products annually and operates four donor centers. Each year, the Blood Bank of Delmarva normally hosts over 600 blood drives. These blood drives would not be possible without the commitment of community organizations that volunteer to serve as sponsors or coordinators, which provides opportunities for blood donors to give blood and help patients in need. BBD is New York Blood Center Enterprises affiliate and a member of AABB and ABC. For more information, please visit delmarvablood.org or follow us at facebook.com/delmarvabloodbank.
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