Small Business Reserve
The State of Maryland has developed three separate small business programs to provide greater access and opportunity for small businesses seeking business with the State.
Small Business Reserve Program
The Small Business Reserve Program specifically targets small businesses registered with the Department where certain procurements may be designated as small business reserve only. For procurements designated as such, only certified small businesses will be awarded such procurements. This MAKES IT FAIR FOR small businesses SINCE they are only competing against other small businesses.
Small Business Preference Program
The Small Business Preference Program allows certified small businesses to enjoy a price preference over non-certified small businesses competing for the same contract award. In addition to a small business preference, small businesses that are veteran owned can enjoy an additional preference and small businesses that are service disabled veteran owned can enjoy an even greater preference.
Registration for the Small Business Reserve and Preference Programs are easy and can be done on-line quickly. Detailed information about the program, including qualifications, agencies that participate and rules regarding the program can also be found on the site. Currently only seven thousand small businesses take advantage of these programs.
Vendor registration and SBR Certification link: eMaryland Marketplace
Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprises
The State procures billions of dollars in goods and services each year. The veteran-owned small business procurement program establishes a 0.5 percent participation goal which should increase contracts and subcontracts awarded to those businesses. Effective: July 1, 2012.
NEW SMALL BUSINESS RESERVE CRITERIA: Beginning October 1, 2012, the qualification to be certified as a small business in the Maryland Small Business Reserve Program will change. You may view the new qualification criteria by clicking the link below:
Next MSA Board of Directors Meeting
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:00p.m.
The Warehouse at Camden Yards
Conference Room 1
333 W. Camden St., Suite 500
Baltimore, MD 21201
Agenda / Livestream
Leasing Opportunities at the Warehouse at Camden Yards / Video

Human Trafficking
National Human Trafficking Hotline -- 24/7 Confidential
1-888-373-7888 | Text: 233733 |