Maryland Stadium Authority Privacy Statement
The content of the this site or any other site, owned, operated, licensed, sponsored or controlled by the Maryland Stadium Authority comes from a variety of public and private information sources. Although effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information, the information should always be verified before it is used in any way. The Maryland Stadium Authority makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information from the service or links to other services. Any reference obtained from this site to a specific company, commercial product, process, or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Maryland Stadium Authority of the company, commercial product, process, or service.
Permission to use documents (such as reports, publications, press releases, datasheets and FAQs) from this site is granted, provided that (1) the copyright notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear, (2) use of such documents from this site is for informational and noncommercial or personal use only and will not be copied or posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media, and (3) no modifications of any documents are made. Documents specified above do not include the design or layout of this website or any other site owned, operated, licensed, sponsored or controlled by Maryland Stadium Authority. Elements of the Maryland Stadium Authority websites are protected by trade dress, trademark, unfair competition, and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound or image from any of the Maryland Stadium Authority website may be copied, retransmitted, or used in a manner which suggests Maryland Stadium Authority's association with or endorsement of any product, service, opinion or cause unless expressly permitted by the Maryland Stadium Authority. The documents and related graphics published on this site could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The Maryland Stadium Authority may make changes in the site described herein at any time.
Users entering materials on this website or any other site owned, operated, licensed, sponsored or controlled by the Maryland Stadium Authority are responsible for the content of that material. The Maryland Stadium Authority has no responsibility for the content of any messages or information posted by users, or for the content of information of third parties on the Internet, even if accessed through Maryland Stadium Authority pages. The Maryland Stadium Authority does retain the right, which it may or may not exercise, in its sole discretion, to review, edit or delete from the service any third-party material which the Maryland Stadium Authority deems to be inappropriate in any way. In no event shall the Maryland Stadium Authority be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tort action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of documents, provision or failure to provide services, or information available from this service.
Some links in this Web site or any other site owned, operated, licensed, sponsored or controlled by the Maryland Stadium Authority are not under the control of the Maryland Stadium Authority, Maryland Sports and 21st Century Schools are not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. The Maryland Stadium Authority is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any linked site. The Maryland Stadium Authority is providing these links to you only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by the Maryland Stadium Authority of the site.
Privacy Policy
Public Records - Privacy and Data Security
Thank you for visiting the Maryland Stadium Authority. We take data security and the privacy of your personal information very seriously. Maryland law mandates that state agencies shall not create personal records unless the need for the information is clearly established and that personal records shall be relevant to the purposes, for which they are collected, be accurate and current, and not be obtained by fraudulent means. State officials who request personal data from citizens must notify the citizens regarding the purposes for which the information is collected; consequences to the citizen for refusing to provide the personal information; the citizen's right to inspect and correct personal records; whether the information is generally available for public inspection; and whether the information is made available to other entities. Please refer to the eMaryland technology web site for additional information on information technology policies in Maryland. The State of Maryland is committed to providing you with Web sites over which you may securely and confidently transact business with the state. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us . The Maryland Stadium Authority is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust, and accordingly maintains the following privacy policy to protect personal information provided online.
Basic Confidentiality Policy
It is the Maryland Stadium Authority policy that personal information, such as your name, postal and e-mail address or telephone number, is private and confidential. Accordingly, the personal information you provide is stored in a secure location, is accessible only by designated staff, and is used only for the purposes for which you provide the information. If you indicate on our sites that you would like to receive information about the Maryland Stadium Authority programs and services, your personal information will be added to appropriate Maryland Stadium Authority mailing lists. No Release of Information to Third Parties Personal information will not be released to third parties except to further the purpose for which you provide the information, or if release is required by law or is pertinent to judicial or governmental investigations or proceedings. There are no other circumstances under which we will provide or sell personal information to third parties. No Computer Tracking of Identifiable Information Our computer is not set up to track, collect or distribute personal information about its visitors. It does recognize the home server of visitors, but not e-mail addresses. This information is used only for internal purposes by the Maryland Stadium Authority technical support staff. No personal information is collected. In addition, our web sites track information about the visits to our Web sites. For example, we compile statistics that show the daily number of visitors to our sites, the daily requests we receive for particular files on our web sites, and what countries those requests come from. These aggregated statistics are used internally to better provide services to the public and may also be provided to others, but again, the statistics contain no personal information and cannot be used to gather such information.
Next MSA Board of Directors Meeting
Monthly Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 12:00p.m.
The Warehouse at Camden Yards
Conference Room 1
333 W. Camden St., Suite 500
Baltimore, MD 21201
Agenda / Live Stream
Leasing Opportunities at the Warehouse at Camden Yards / Video

Human Trafficking
National Human Trafficking Hotline -- 24/7 Confidential
1-888-373-7888 | Text: 233733 |