State, city and community leaders will gather with Baltimore City Public Schools students and representatives to celebrate ribbon cuttings for the newest buildings in the 21st Century School Buildings Program.
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237, December 14, 2022 – 2:30 p.m.
Montebello Elementary/Middle School, December 15, 2022 – 4:30 p.m.
The Highlandtown ribbon cutting will be held at, Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237, 231 S Eaton Street, Baltimore, MD 21224.
The Montebello ribbon cutting will be held at Montebello Elementary/Middle School, 2040 E 32nd Street, Baltimore, MD 21218.
Events will also be livestreamed via City Schools’ social media platforms.
Invited to participate: Larry Hogan, Governor, Maryland; Bill Ferguson, Senate President, Maryland; Mary Washington, Senator, Maryland; Brooke Lierman, State Delegate, District 46; Brandon Scott, Mayor, City of Baltimore; Nick Mosby, City Council President, City of Baltimore; Thomas Kelso, Chairman, Maryland Stadium Authority; Michael Frenz, Executive Director, Maryland Stadium Authority; Alex Donahue, Interim Executive Director, Maryland Interagency Commission on School Construction; Johnette Richardson, Board Chair, Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners; Dr. Sonja Santelises, CEO Baltimore City Public Schools; Denise Ashley, Highlandtown Principal; Troy Mitchell, Montebello Principal; Jason Guevara Mendoza, Highlandtown Student; Anthony Ruano, Highlandtown Student; Anthony Higgs, Montebello Student; and Kamarra Burke, Montebello Student.
Building Modernization Facts
Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237
Project Type: Addition Project
This project received a light refresh to the existing portion of the building, which included new paint and ceiling grids in classrooms and corridors, technology upgrades and new classroom furniture, as well as upgrades to security, intercom, and sound systems.
The addition portions of the building are fully equipped with new technology, furniture, and cabinetry.
Montebello Elementary/Middle School
Project Type: Renovation Project
Montebello is Wi-Fi enabled, expected to receive LEED Silver certification, and includes the below environmental, technological and learning features.
- Designs that maximize daylight into instructional areas and provide clear sightlines of adjacent spaces.
- Flexible, collaborative learning areas/unassigned instructional spaces with movable furniture and instructional screens for alternate instructional environments or breakout spaces to adapt classrooms as needed.
- Interactive Visual Displays – These displays have an input station located beside the teacher’s desk that allow for various inputs including computer, HDMI capabilities, USB devices, etc.
- Sound Enhancement System – The system includes a wearable microphone for instructors as well as a handheld microphone for students and guests. This system also can be integrated with hearing impaired devices.
- A cafetorium that serves as a multi-purpose space for dining, events and school productions, with a dedicated audio/visual system and a performance stage with theatrical stage lighting.
- LED light fixtures throughout the building.
21st Century School Buildings Program Background
The 21st Century School Buildings Program creates inspiring educational environments for Baltimore City’s public school students and recreational facilities for communities for generations to come. The program is a partnership between the Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA), Baltimore City Public Schools, the City of Baltimore, and the Interagency Commission on Public School Construction (IAC). In addition to Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237 and Montebello Elementary/Middle School, 24 other school buildings have been renovated, expanded and/or replaced in recent years: Fort Worthington Elementary/Middle School, Frederick Elementary School, Wildwood Elementary/Middle School, Dorothy I. Height Elementary School, Arundel Elementary, Arlington Elementary School, The Historic Cherry Hill Elementary/Middle School, Forest Park High School, Pimlico Elementary/Middle School, the Academy for College and Career Exploration and Independence School (in the Robert Poole Building), the Lake Clifton Park Building, John Ruhrah Elementary/Middle School, Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary/Middle School, and Bay-Brook Elementary/Middle School, Mary E. Rodman Elementary School, Walter P. Carter Elementary/Middle School, Lois T. Murray Elementary/Middle School (in the Walter P. Carter Building), Medfield Heights Elementary School, Billie Holiday Elementary School, Katherine Johnson Global Academy, Robert W. Coleman Elementary School, Govans Elementary School, Patterson High School, Claremont Middle/High School (in the Patterson Building), and Northwood Elementary School.
For more information, visit www.baltimore21stcenturyschools.org
Rachael Romano, Communications Manager
21st Century School Buildings Program
(410) 900.5773
Rachelina Bonacci, Public Information Officer
Maryland Stadium Authority
(410) 977.0381
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Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 12:00p.m.
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