MiLB HB897 Sports and Entertainment Facilities and Events

project Summary

Minor League Baseball (MiLB) HB 897 (2022) functions like a grant through the Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA), as it authorizes MSA to issue up to $200 million in bonds to fund the development and /or renovations of sports entertainment facilities across the state including minor league ballparks where renovations will be necessary in order to maintain affiliations with major league teams and continue to play in our state. Proceeds allocated from the Maryland state lottery, up to $25 million annually, will be used to pay debt service on the bonds issued to finance the various projects.

As of August 2023, the following municipalities have memorandums of agreement with the MSA to provide preliminary design, technical and financial assistance as needed through the MiLB 897 program to address improvements required to ensure that the following minor league ballparks and teams meet the recently adopted Professional Development League (PDL) standards.

Of note, this new fund also may be utilized by other sports entertainment venues such as equestrian centers, multi-use sports complexes, venues for youth and amateur sports tournaments. Recreational facilities are eligible for funding if an economic and feasibility study demonstrates positive economic impact to the state of Maryland.

Project Director

Al Tyler, Vice President, Capital Projects Development Group

Project Executives

Gary McGuigan, Executive Vice President, Capital Projects Development Group

Senior Project Manager

Christopher Deremeik, Assistant Vice President, Capital Projects Development Group

Project Manager

Ryan Carter, Project Manager II, Capital Projects Development Group