Frostburg State University – I-68 Regional Recreation Complex Planning and Design Services

project Summary

In September 2021, MSA previously provided Frostburg State University (FSU) business services as requested related to the potential development of the I-68 Recreation Complex.

In May 2022, the Maryland Stadium Authority Board of Directors approved a request from the President of FSU for the MSA to provide planning and design management services related to the development of the I-68 Recreation Complex, relocation and enhancement of sports fields and improvements to the existing Cordts Physical Education Center at FSU in Frostburg.

FSU has committed to pay the full cost of this next phase of the project, which is important to the region, by using the $5 million in funds provided by the Governor’s Supplemental Budget.

In June 2022, the MSA published its independent peer review of the study and analysis conducted related to a proposed new regional sports center, enhanced and relocated outdoor fields on the campus of FSU.

Independent Peer Review – Proposed Regional Sports Center & Sports Fields at Frostburg State University

Frostburg State University I-68 Recreation Complex Step 1 Study

Brailsford and Dunlavey Answering the Call Report November 2020

MSA’s role in managing studies is to provide unbiased and objective analysis which provides information to local officials to assist in the decision-making process about investment and benefits for their communities and constituents.


Request for Proposals - Construction Management Services - Athletic Fields - Western Maryland Regional Sports Complex at Frostburg State Complex

Request for Expression of Interest - Frostburg State University Regional Recreation Center - Maryland Stadium Authority

Frostburg State University Regional Recreation Center Market and Economic Study:

In May 2023, the Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA) Board of Directors approved a request from the President of Frostburg State University (FSU) for the MSA to manage a market and economic study related to the potential development of the I-68 Regional Recreation Center at FSU in Frostburg. The study will include preliminary due diligence, market assessment, an economic impact analysis, plus ongoing business planning and advisory services. The study will be performed by MSA’s on-call market, economic, and business consultant, Crossroads Consulting Services, LLC. FSU has committed to fully fund the $68,300 cost of the study.  


Project Director

Al Tyler, Vice President, Capital Projects Development Group

Project Executives

Gary McGuigan, Executive Vice President, Capital Projects Development Group